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About us

The Hestia Women's Giving Circle is a not-for-profit organization formed under the umbrella of the Charlevoix County Community Foundation.  Our money is held in a donor-advised fund with that foundation.

Hestia was formed in 2005 by a group of women wishing to support local organizations serving women and girls.  Believing that access to health care and the ability to control reproduction is essential to economic security, the Circle was founded with support of Planned Parenthood integral to our by-laws.


Grant-making is the essence of the Circle's existence, and all members are encouraged to serve on the Grant Committee.  Once a year a call-for-grants is publicized.  The grant committee, which meets twice, reviews the grants and makes a recommendation of projects to support. The recommendation is put before the membership for a vote.   Grantees receive their checks at our annual meeting, where they have the opportunity to say a few words about their work.



The Circle is managed by an Executive Committee of nine-to-eleven members, including officers.  Members of the committee are elected at the annual meeting and generally meet several times per year.  All members are invited to attend these meetings and take part in the administration of the Circle.


2024-2025 Executive Committee: Chair - Karen Strough-Donnelly; Vice Chair (not yet filled);  Secretary - Donna Stine; Treasurer & Membership Chair - Cynthia Donahey; Grant Chairs - Jean Van Dam and Ali Hill; Past Chair - Lisa Blanchard;  At-large: Tia Fettig, Jen Schaap, Mary Ann Moreno, Carole Winnard, Dibby Smith, and Kari Vandenbrink



The annual meeting is a very festive event and is the highlight of the year. The meeting is usually held at the home of one of the members.  Members, grantees, and guests gather to celebrate our partnership in promoting the well-being of women. 

Contact us by e-mail or through the form below.

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